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The Study

Introduction: The year was 1948 and esteemed journalist and author J.L. Vincent had just released what would be his historic finale exposing a century’s worth of scandal and deceit. His betrayal and deceptions outed dangerous powerful men.

As the papers rolled through the night Vin knew he had to cover his tracks and make an escape. Dawn beckoned and the newsboys were lining, ready to call “EXTRA!” on this monumental headline. He hurried to his study in downtown Redlands to wipe the trail clean as a shadowy figure followed closely to silence him once and for all. To his disbelief Vin had vanished. You are invited to uncover the mystery and discover how J.L. Vincent escaped.

Location: Open Door Escape Games

AddressCope Building, Downtown Redlands, 19 E Citrus St, #208, Redlands, CA 92373

See this map in the original post

Parking: Street Parking and Parking Complex (across the street)

Date Completed: July 27, 2017

Number of Escape Artists: 6 ( 5 were newbies)

Hint System: Unlimited via Electronic Parrot

Result: ESCAPED - 42 minutes

Creativity: 4

Difficulty: 3

Immersiveness: 4

Fun Factor: 4


Note. For OVERALL means, 1 = WTF?; 2 = Take a gander; 3 = You can book it; 4 = You should book it now; 5 = OMG! You should've booked it yesterday!


  • Recommend 3-5 escape artists
  • Fairly difficult puzzles
  • Don't be afraid to use the parrot for hints
  • Anesthetically pleasing and detailed for the theme
  • Good for first-time escape artists

This was my first ever escape room and I didn't know what to expect. A few of my friends had the great idea to sign-up for one and I was interested. We had to wait for our game master to come get us at the second floor of the Cope Building in Redlands. Our game master gave us the introduction to the escape room and I remember being intrigued as well as excited. 

The room was fairly small but it could fit six of us comfortably. The escape room was a scavenger hunt. The room was multi-linear and the puzzles were fairly difficult. Considering that it was my first escape room, the puzzles were new and creative. The use of an electronic parrot was fun.

Overall, I enjoyed this escape room and it was a good first escape room as a newbie to the escape room genre.